Monday 11 October 2010

calling all Student Pipers and Drummers! OTC Pipe band Recruiting

I am currently teaching and writing scores for the Glasgow and Strathclyde Officer training Corps Pipe Band, or OTC as it is usually known and would like to bring to attention that they are currently recruiting Pipers and Drummers for the Pipe Band.  The band consists of players of mixed ability, from grade 1 to grade 4, and it a very enjoyable band to play with.

The OTC is a student organisation which is sponsored by the army which means that pay is provided for practice/drill nights and weekends however there is no commitment to join the army or deploy as a soldier.

Currently the band are Territorial Army and OTC Pipe Band champions which are titles the band hope to retain this season. The band compete at army and OTC competitions which mean it does not effect RSPBA competitions which most of the band also compete in with their respective bands.

The main highlights of playing in the OTC Pipe Band are trips around the country and abroad which members are paid to play at, official dinner nights where plenty food and drink is privided for the band on top of pay, and meeting up with army and OTC bands from around the country.

The band has travelled to places such as Canada, Norway, France and Russia along with playing at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo on many occasions and is a great opportunity for pay and playing for any student studying at any of the Universities in the glasgow and Strathclyde area.

For more information or to show interest in joining feel free to contact me via phone or email through the site.

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